In addition
to the VerChor distribution (see here) you need to install:
- a Java RE
This is needed to transform BPMN files into the
CIF format.
It is not required if you plan to use the CIF format directly.
download Java
Note: VerChor has been tested with Java RE 1.7.
- the Eclipse IDE and the BPMN modeler plugin
This is needed to transform BPMN files into the CIF format and integrate with the Eclipse IDE.
It is not required if you plan to work directly with the CIF format and use command-line commands.
Eclipse download BPMN
modeler plugin
Note: VerChor has been tested with Eclipse Indigo
(3.7), Eclipse Juno (4.2), and Eclipse Kepler (4.3).
We advocate for the use of the later due to a better
integration of the BPMN modeler plugin (tested with Eclipse
4.3.1 and BPMN modeler plugin 1.0).
- a Python distribution and the PyXB library
This is needed to read CIF files and
generate formal description files.
Python 2.7.x
PyXB 1.1.1
Warning: Python 2.7.x and PyXB 1.1.1 should be used.
Newer versions do not
work correctly with VerChor.
- the CADP toolbox
This is needed to perform formal analyses on
the formal description files.
download CADP
Then please take a look at the
the VerChor distribution.
Examples of VerChor usage
See the guided tour and the
in the VerChor distribution.
Choreography Intermediate Format (CIF)
The XML schema description for CIF is available in the
directory of the VerChor distribution.